Elsinore High School

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World History Assignments

Mr. Juan Caballero
2018-2019 School Year
Social Studies
 Title: World History
 Grade Level(s): 10
 Department: Social Science
 Credit: 10
 Prerequisite: None
 Course Description:
This course is aligned with the California State Framework and
examines major turning points in the shaping of the modern
world. The course begins with a brief review of the areas
covered in 6th and 7th grade World History classes dealing with
the rise of democratic ideas. A concentrated study of the content
area begins with the Industrial Revolution and continues through
the periods of Imperialism, Colonialism, World War I,
Totalitarianism, World War II, and nationalism in the
contemporary world. Current world issues will be discussed
throughout the year and will be referenced to the content
instruction. The class also works to help student‘s use critical
thinking skills, understand cultural differences, and extend social
interaction skills. This class is required for high school
graduation. This course meets UC/CSU (History-a)

Assignment Calendar

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Past Assignments



 All students are to print, sign and return their World History Syllabus. Please turn in the last page (page 3) with both parent and student signatures. Please remember to date. Thank you. 



World History Finals will be taken on June 4-6. All students are required to take the final exam and also turn in a completed (handwritten) study guide or a stack of 3x5 (handwritten) study cards that were used to study for your final exam in World History. All students are required to turn in their study guide/study cards before taking the final. This will be worth 50% of your final grade. ****Bring your completed study/guide (handwritten) and/or completed 3x5 study cards (handwritten) to the final exam.



Please review the following Finals Bell Schedule and plan your studying accordingly. 
Remember: All students are to turn in their hand written study guide with all terms and definitions or
their hand written 3x5 study cards that was used in preparation for the final exam! This is worth 50% of your final grade! Good luck! May the force be with you all!



Students are currently creating a study guide on the Cold War (1945-1991) for the Final Exam in World History. Teacher and students are currently reviewing the differences between Capitalism/democracy vs. Communism as expressed in World History. Final Exams will take place inside the classroom on June 4, 5 and 6.
*****Students are to copy down our study guide-terms in class. After copying down the historical events, people and ideas from the Cold War (1945-1991), students are to define and describe the historical significance for each term. Teacher and students will review each term and clarify the historical significance of each term. Teacher will be available during lunch, break or by appointment for free tutoring, review or to answer questions.
It is highly recommended that all students study effectively for ALL their final exams. With this, I am providing once again a wonderful resource to help you succeed! This resource was presented to ALL World History Classes and reviewed in class since September 8, 2018. The purpose of this resource is to provide support for ALL students to improve their academic performance in ALL academic classes at Elsinore High School. Professional Educators all across the nation promote and encourage students to follow these techniques in studying for exams. Please read and follow the suggestions on "How To Study For Exams." Good luck to our World History students! Good luck in all of your finals! Aloha! 



Students have been instructed to read Chapter 11-3 "The New Order and the Holocaust" and take Outline Notes. These Outline Notes will help students better understand World History Standards: 
10.8.5: "Analyze the Nazi policy of pursuing racial purity, especially against the European Jews; its transformation into the Final Solution and the Holocaust that resulted in the murder of six million Jewish civilians. 
10.8.6: "Discuss the human costs of the war....
*These notes are to be used by the student to review, study and learn alongside mini-lectures, Power Points, Video, Class Discussions and other activities designed to support student learning of World History. 



World War II Battle Quiz will take place on May 10, 2019. It is a short quiz, but it is still recommended that ALL students study effectively for this assessment. Aloha! 



Students are to copy the timeline of "WWII: Attack and Counter Attack on page 546 and answer the questions under "Graphic Organizer-------> Skills!" This assignment will help your chronological thinking of the course of the major battles of WWII. Aloha Students! 🌺



World History Students are to view the following video: https://youtu.be/VTdV9JaHiIA
Please take notes on Nazi Aggression & Appeasement. This resource will help your understanding the cause/effect relationship toward WWII. 



World History: Students are to do a close reading of Chapter 9-3 (pages 478-483). Next, students are also required to complete a reading-reflection "chunk" on the big idea of "Young People in Nazi Germany" on pages 484-485. Please don't forget the header needs to be complete with name, class, period and date, the title and a completed timeline. Reading Reflections have been reviewed in class. Due to block scheduling for state testing, This assignment is due Thursday, April 25, 2019 for periods 1,3 & 5 and due Friday April 26 for periods 2 & 6.  
****Please go beyond the text and use technology, internet searches, Youtube video, Khan Academy etc...to support your learning about the big ideas about Nazi Youth Policy. Check this out:  https://youtu.be/B8MODoHuBD8      



World History: Students are to do a close reading of Chapter 9-2 (pages 473-476 )with a special focus on "A New Era in the Soviet Union" (Communist Russia). Please complete a reading-reflection "chunk" on the big idea of Stalin's communist policies in Russia. Please go beyond the text and use technology, internet searches, Youtube video, Khan Academy etc...to support your learning about the big idea: "Stalin's Communist Russia" Please don't forget the header needs to be complete with name, class, period and date, the title and a completed timeline. Reading Reflections have been reviewed in class. This assignment is due April 23, 2019. 




World History: Students are to do a close reading of Chapter 9-2 (pages 470-473) with a special focus on Fascism in Italy. Please complete a reading-reflection "chunk" on the big idea of "Fascism in Italy." Please go beyond the text and use technology, internet searches, Youtube video, Khan Academy etc...to support your learning about the big idea: "Fascism in Italy." Please don't forget the header needs to be complete with name, class, period and date, the title and a completed timeline. Reading Reflections have been reviewed in class. This assignment is due April 17, 2019.  



World History Assignment: Read Chapter 8-4 "The End of War". Do a close reading of "Wilson's Proposals" after WWI and complete a Reading Log/Reflection chunk. Please use "For Example/because/I think" within your paragraph to help clarify your thoughts and demonstrate your learning. Remember, nobody is preventing you from using the internet, Youtube videos, Khan Academy, Smoop, Crash Course World History etc. Please use these modern technologies & resources to help supplement your learning
***Please also review the attached videos




 “You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.”Galileo               

As discussed in class (daily), it is really important for students to not "wait" to learn. In the 21st Century, students have access to more information than any King or Emperor in World History. ALL students will benefit from using computer technology to improve their learning and chances at success. If not now, then as soon as possible, please use computer technology, internet searches, YouTube, Khan Academy, Shmoop, Epic TV History, The History Channel, Crash Course World History etc....as part of the learning process. Students are at a severe disadvantage if they refuse to or are unable to access internet resources to support their learning. Please review the following video: https://youtu.be/yqkAlwGsxwE 
Please make sure students are doing the following every day: 
  1. Take notes in class every day and for every class. 
  2. Take notes from textbook. 
  3. Review every day and ask clarifying questions with other students and teacher(s). 
  4. Utilize computers/laptops, I-Phones, I-Pads, to interact with internet resources to support student learning. 
  5. Think for yourself (critical thinking) about what you are learning and compare this with the assignments you are required to complete for ALL classes. 
  6. Study in groups with other students.
  7. Use flash cards or Quizlet to study more effectively for assessments. 
  8. Take advantage of the free tutoring here at Elsinore High School. 
  9. Ask for help. 
  10. Take personal responsibility for your own learning. 



Students were directed to take notes to help prepare for the Quiz that is due on April 5, 2019.
Students were assigned to Read Chapter 8-3 "The Russian Revolution". Students also participated class discussions on Communism vs. Capitalism, study of Karl Marx and his theories, and students were provided opportunity for "Q & A" to help clarify our study of the Russian Revolution.  
*****Please use the attached Power Point to help study for the quiz. The study guide on the Power Point also was provided in class. Good Luck! Have fun studying! Aloha! 



Students were assigned reading of Chapter 8-3 Russian Revolution. Students are directed to take notes in class, ask clarifying questions, and think critically about the causes of the Russian Revolution. All students are strongly encouraged to follow the directions of the instructor to read every day! Teacher will support student learning in class, but students are also strongly encouraged to use Youtube, Google Searches, Crash Course World History, Khan Academy etc...to support their understanding of the Russian Revolution. Welcome to the 21st Century! Use technology to help you learn World History! Aloha! 



In class assignment: All students will review (again) the expectations of the Reading Reflection assignment process. Students are expected to take notes (again) on the process, the grading rubric and the purpose of this assignment. Students will also meet with the instructor to clarify any questions or concerns. *Instructor is available during lunch or break to help students improve this very important practice of literacy development. This Reading/Writing Reflective Practice will help better prepare ALL students for competition in College & Career. Please do not hesitate to ask for help. 



WWI Alliance Quiz due on March 6, 2019. Students reviewed in class with instructor on 3/5/2019. Study Effectively!!!! Study in groups, study with flash cards, study your notes taken in class. You got this! Good luck! 



Aloha Students and Parents! In our continued efforts to motivate and educate our students in preparation for College & Career, please watch and take notes on the following video:
If you are experiencing success in school and in life, you are most likely practicing the
"8 Habits of Highly Successful Students" in some form. If you are experiencing "failure", you are most likely practicing some other 8 habits that do NOT work. It's really that simple. We are all on our own journeys. The point is not to compare your self with others, but to improve; to get "better" each day. Ask yourself: "How can I become more 'conscious' about my learning?" 
*If you want help, please see Mr. Caballero and he can guide you to more intervention-counseling services, tutoring and general support to help you make the transition to becoming more "conscious" about your learning World History. I am here to help! Aloha!



Students are to complete a "Reading Reflection" for "The Serbian Problem" on page. 424. ***This assignment is due tomorrow March 1, 2019.
This is for one "Reading Reflection" chunk only. We will assign 2 more writing reflections for next week. Serbian Nationalism was discussed in class to help student make connections with why Serbians wanted to free Bosnia from Austria-Hungary and create a Slavic Nation State. Please review the following videos to help your understanding:
Please also look at the following article on why Serbian and Austria-Hungary went to war and how this led to WWI: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/austria-hungary-issues-ultimatum-to-serbia



Aloha World History Students! Please see the attached Power Point to help study and prepare for our Alliance WWI Quiz next Tuesday!
Remember, we live in the 21st Century and students now have access to the more information on ANY topic via the Internet! You have more access to information than any King or Emperor in World History so USE it! Please use technology to support your learning via YouTube, Google Searches, History Channel, Khan Academy, Crash Course World History etc.....to help you learn. Seriously! 
Check out this resource: https://www.khanacademy.org
If you need help, just ask and I will point you in the right direction. Aloha Friday Everyone! <*)))><



Students are to complete a Reading Reflection for "Militarism" (page 423) as another cause of WWI. This assignment is due February 27, 2019.
*Students are given multiple opportunities to clarify their questions in class on how to complete a successful Reading Reflection. Parents, please have your student teach you the Reading Reflection process so that you may support your student at home. Our goal is to improve literacy skills via the study of World History in order to better prepare your student for competition for College & Career. 



Students are reading & writing about the causes of World War I.
Students were given a sample Reading Log Reflection on February 25, 2019. Students also had opportunities to ask questions on how to complete a Reading Log Reflection. *Teacher is available for extra help during break or lunch. 
Students are to complete their Reading Reflection for "Internal Dissent" on page 422. Teacher and students will review in class on February 26, 2019.



This week will be dedicated to supporting students in creating "Reading Reflections" for World History. Students will review with the instructor and peers on how to complete a "Reading Reflection" assignment this week. This learning process is designed to help students (whatever their ability level) to improve and strengthen their literacy skills (reading and writing, and critical thinking). The Reading Reflection Process will also give students the opportunity to become more accountable and conscientious in their overall approach to learning. The skills of accountability and being more conscientious (imbedded in the Reading Reflection Process) will help support students in our World History class. In fact, this process will help support students in developing literacy skill across the curriculum. The Reading Reflection process will also help better prepare students with their competition for success in College & Career. Parents are encouraged to review their students' Reading Reflections that will be assigned for the remainder of the semester. All students are also encouraged to share and read their Reading Reflections with parents. This way parents can help students rise to their full potential. *Students are encouraged to ask questions and follow the directions of the teacher. 



Factors Assessment Tomorrow!!!! (Nationalism, Industrial Revolution, Imperialism). Please study effectively. Study in groups. Make flash cards. Review. 
Good luck! Just do your BEST! 



Students are to create Outline Textbook Notes for Chapter 6-2 Empire Building in Africa (Pages 342-349). This assignment is due Thursday, February 21, 2019. 
If you still need help in creating outline notes, please see the following video: 
If you still need help in creating outline notes, please also see the following video: 
Taking outline notes from a textbook should not be "rushed." Take your time, and make connections with what you are required to learn. The outline note taking process will be extremely helpful for College and Career. But don't take my word for it: 
You can also "benchmark" effective note-taking practices. Find other students who are succeeding in school and look at their notes and ask how they approach the note-taking process. Ask for help!



Students are to read Chapter 6-2 Empire Building in Africa (Pages 342-349). All students are currently taking notes in class on Imperialism as it relates to Nationalism and the Industrial Revolution. In addition, students are making connections on how these historical factors (Nationalism, Industrial Revolution, Imperialism) led to socio-political changes (conflict) in society, as well as being the causes of World War I. 



Homework to support understanding of Capitalism and Socialism as it relates to the Industrial Revolution (1800's): Please view the following video and take notes.
Be prepared to discuss tomorrow. Thank you! 



*Students will take a written quiz explaining Capitalism on Friday, February 8, 2019. 
(*Students studied, took notes and clarified their questions on the Industrial Revolution. In our studies, students learned the differences between Capitalism, Socialism and Communism.
Teacher recommends studying for all history assessments.  
Please follow the instructions on "How To Study for Exams" in the attachment below. This will help you in ALL your academic classes. 
Good luck! Happy studying!



Students are to complete Chapter 4-1 Outline Notes (Industrial Revolution, pages 253-261). This assignment is due on February 1, 2019. 
Please also see the attached Power Point on the Industrial Revolution to help support of your learning. 



Nationalism Quiz will take place in class on January 25, 2019. Please follow directions and study effectively. Good luck! Aloha!



****Second Semester 2019: Welcome back World History Students! All students were exposed to modern examples of "Nationalism" to better understand how nation states were developed throughout the world. 
Assignment: Please Read Ch. 4-3 "National Unification and The National State (pg. 271-274) and complete textbook outline notes for this section. This assignment will be due Thursday 1/24/2019. 
****Please also use YouTube, Wikipedia, and Internet searches to help support your learning! 



All World History students are encouraged to study effectively for All their final mid-term exams. All students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the free tutoring available at Elsinore High School. Remember, this free tutoring is offered throughout the year. All students are strongly encouraged to attend the "Study-A-Thon" sessions provided by Elsinore High School. Every student has so many opportunities to improve learning and understanding. All students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities. Good luck in ALL of your finals! 



Chapter 3-3 "The Age of Napoleon" outline notes are due. (Extra-time provided). Remember, these textbook notes will be used as your study guide for the assessment, so make sure you take notes that help support your learning. See Mr. C, if you are still struggling with taking outline notes for your academic classes at Elsinore High School. I will help you. 



Chapter 3-2 "Radical Revolution and Reaction" outline notes are due. (Extra-time provided). Remember, these notes will be used as your study guide for the assessment, so make sure you take notes that help support your learning. See Mr. C, if you are still struggling with taking outline notes for your academic classes at Elsinore High School. I will help you. 



Please view the following video to help your studies and understanding of Chapter 3-3 "The Age of Napoleon." Enjoy!



Ch. 3-1 French Revolution Outline Notes are due today! (Pg. 211-218. Remember the purpose of taking outline notes in the first place is to support student learning! Notes are for learning, NOT a grade. 



Please view the following video to support your learning about the French Revolution. This will help reinforce your textbook outline notes, class activities and learning exercises. Check it out: 



Ch. 3-1 "The French Revolution Begins" Outline Notes for pg. 211-214 are due TODAY!



Mini Quiz on the Major Causes of the French Revolution is due today. 



Students reviewed "The French Revolution Begins Handout" as a class. Focus centered on the major causes of the French Revolution to prepare for a mini-quiz on Wednesday, November 28, 2018. Students had opportunity to review, ask questions and clarify. Classwork/Homework: Read Chapter 3-1 "The French Revolution Begins" pg. 211-214 and create Textbook Outline Notes. This assignment along with other resources provided should be used to study for min-quiz tomorrow. Students are also encouraged to use internet resources and YouTube to study the major causes of the French Revolution. Good luck! Study effectively! Do your Best! 



World History students reviewed causes of the French Revolution and took notes. Also, students were handed back their "The French Revolution Begins Handout" for a study guide. Homework is to Read and Reflect on Ch. 3-1 "The French Revolution" @ home. 



All students are to use their outline notes, internet research, textbook and study for the Enlightenment Assessment Due tomorrow November 14, 2018. Please review attachment on "How to Study For Exams" and follow the recommendations. You would be surprised how much better you can do in all your classes IF you followed the recommendations on how to study more effectively. Good luck!



"Enlightenment Rap/Poem/Song" is due on Friday. Students are to use their completed Chapter 2-2 Enlightenment Notes, Class Notes, and Internet research to create an "Enlightenment Rap/Poem/Song" based upon an Enlightenment Thinker. Students must include the ideas of their chosen Enlightenment thinker in their project. Be creative and have fun! ****Extra-Credit will be given to students that perform their rap/poem or song on Friday! 



Ch. 2-2 The Enlightenment Textbook Outline Notes should be complete by now. Students are to create outline notes for pages 183-189. Pay close attention to how our our own country was created out of Enlightenment Ideas. 



Students are to read Ch.2-2 The Enlightenment and complete Textbook Outline Notes for pages183-186. Stay current with all your assignments in all your classes. It helps to stay current to make the most of the class time learning! Make it a Great Day! 



Ch. 2-1 The Glorious Revolution Textbook Outline Notes are due today (pg. 175-182). 



Complete Textbook Outline Notes for Ch 2-1 The Glorious Revolution pg. 175-182. This will be due on Monday, October 29, 2018. 



Students began studying the events leading up to the Glorious Revolution (1600-1688). Homework tonight: Read Chapter 2-1 "The Glorious Revolution" pages 175-178. Students are to create Textbook outline notes. Make it a Great Day! 



Ch. 1-4 "New Patterns of Civilizations" Quiz today! Good luck!



Today students created a study guide for our Ch. 1-4 "New Patterns of Civilizations" quiz tomorrow. (Islam, Middle Ages, Renaissance and Protestant Reformation). Make sure to study effectively for the quiz! Good luck! 




Today students reviewed Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation. Homework is is watch the following video:https://youtu.be/C4d_7dOC-GQ
*** Take outline notes and be prepared for a short quiz tomorrow



Ch. 1-4 "New Patterns of Civilization (Islam, Charlemagne, Middle Ages, Renaissance & Protestant Reformation) Textbook Outline Notes are due on 10/15/2018. Thanks to all students that are doing the work required to support student learning! Keep up the good work! 



In class work assignment: Read & Review Chapter 1-4 "New Patterns of Civilization" and continue taking Outline Notes on the Middle Ages. Thank you! 



Students are to read and review Ch.1-4 "The World of Islam" pages 152-154 and create Textbook Outline Notes as demonstrated and reviewed in class. 
For additional student support, I found a cool resource for how to read textbooks effectively. Reading to learn is a skill that will help you succeed in College & Career! Enjoy!



Rome & Christianity Quiz will take place tomorrow October 2, 2018. All students created a study guide and reviewed in class/home. Good luck! 



Read Ch.1-4 "The World of Islam" pages 152-154. 



Students are instructed to read & annotate their DBQ Primary Source Document: "Letters of Pliny the Younger and the Emperor Trajan." Students are to read, think critically and annotate the document handed out in class. Then students are to answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper. 
1: What is Pliny asking Emperor Trajan to do? 
2. How does Pliny describe the Christians? 
3. According to Pliny, what do the Christians do? How do they behave? What do they believe? 
4. What does Emperor Trajan say about the Christians? 
5. What does Trajan tell Pliny to do? Why?



Students were instructed to participate in our class review on how to take Cornell Notes for improved student achievement. Students were given more samples of effective note taking techniques for student learning. Students were given opportunities to develop and improve their note-taking process in high school. Remember, note-taking is a required skill for high school, college and career! 
Students also took notes and created a study guide for their "Rome & Christianity" Assessment that will take place next week. So, please study effectively!!!!!
Make it a Great Day!



Students are to take Textbook Outline Notes for Ch.1-3 Rome & Christianity pages 148-151. This will support students in their studies of the development of Christianity and it's impact on the values of Rome with respect to a sense of duty and individual conscience. 



Check out this good video to support your learning of Chapter 1-3 Rome and Christianity: 



Students are to read Ch. 1-3 "Rome & Christianity" pg. 145-147 looking at "The Roman State" and "The Influence of the Roman Empire." Students are directed to take Textbook Outline Notes for this section. This will help you be prepared for tomorrow's lesson. Just Do It! :-)



Greek Quiz Today!!! Good luck!



All classes reviewed in class for the Greek Quiz on September 18, 2018. Make sure to study effectively. I suggest using flash cards and studying in groups because it works! Good luck!



In class assignment: Document Analysis/Reading Handout (Socrates, Plato and Aristotle). Follow directions and answer the questions about Greek philosophers and their commitment to rational inquiry. This assignment will also support student understanding of early forms of government.  



Students are to create Textbook Outline Notes for Ch.1-2 "The Greek Love of Wisdom," pages 139-141. Focus Area: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and the early forms of government. 



Check out this great short video on Ancient Greece in 18 minutes.
This was reviewed in class along with reviewing & grading Ch. 1-2 The Civilization of the Greeks Textbook Outline Notes pg. 135-138.  Make it a Great Day!




Assignment: Read Chapter 1-2 The Civilization of the Greeks. Take Textbook Outline Notes for pages 135-138. Students will focus on the foundations of early forms of government. Students will also compare and contrast the city-states of Athens and Sparta.
****These notes are due on Thursday, September 6, 2018. 



All students are the answer the questions written in class for their "More About Me" assignment. This assignment is due on Wednesday, September 5, 2018. 



Quiz on Chapter 1-1 Ancient Civilizations will take place tomorrow-August 31, 2018. 
  • Mesopotamia
  • Egypt
  • Israelites
  • India
  • China
Please study!!!!!



World History Homework: Please review your notes and watch the following Crash Course World History Videos: Mesopotamia https://youtu.be/sohXPx_XZ6Y and Egypt: https://youtu.be/Z3Wvw6BivVI
These short videos will help support your learning of Ancient Civilizations as discussed in class. In addition, these videos will help make connections of the big ideas written in your 'Textbook Outline Notes' for Chapter 1-1.
***Considerable time in class time has been devoted to Q & A on how to take Outline Notes for 10th grade level World History. The Internet, Youtube and Wikipedia etc... are literally filled with a variety of student support(s) on the topic. Also, please see the Summary Notes, and Outline Notes provided on our World History Website for support. Please make an appointment with the instructor for further support and direction. 



****In-Class Assignment/Homework for August 28, 2018: 
Students are to read Ch. 1-1 "The First Civilizations" in their textbook & complete outline notes for the entire chapter. 
  1. Ancient Mesopotamia
  2. Egypt & Divine Kingship
  3. New Centers of Civilization: The Israelites. 
  4. India
  5. China
***This will be done in class and should be completed by Wednesday August 29, 2018. All student need to be on task. 



****In-Class Assignment for August 24, 2018: 
Students are to read Ch. 1-1 "The First Civilizations" in their textbook & take outline notes for pages 122-126 only:
  1. Ancient Mesopotamia
  2. Egypt & Divine Kingship
  3. New Centers of Civilization: The Israelites. 
***This will be done in class and should be completed by Monday. 8/27/2018. All student need to be on task. ***Considerable time in class time has been devoted to Q & A on how to take Outline Notes for 10th grade level World History. The Internet, Youtube and Wikipedia etc... are literally filled with a variety of student support(s) on the topic. Also, please see the Summary Notes, and Outline Notes provided on our World History Website for support. Please make an appointment with the instructor for further support and direction. 



On August 22, 2017, Outline Notetaking was reviewed in class.
If you need further support, please view the following video on 'how to take outline notes'--   


Please also view the sample outline notes in the pdf. attachment below. 
 ***Considerable time in class time has been devoted to Q & A on how to take Outline Notes for 10th grade level World History. The Internet, Youtube and Wikipedia etc... are literally filled with a variety of student support(s) on the topic. Also, please see the Summary Notes, and Outline Notes provided on our World History Website for support. Please make an appointment with the instructor for further support and direction.