Elsinore High School

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World History (Period 1-6) Assignments

Mr. Juan Caballero
2019-2020 School Year
Social Studies
 Title: World History
 Grade Level(s): 10
 Department: Social Science
 Credit: 10
 Prerequisite: None
 Course Description:
This course is aligned with the California State Framework and
examines major turning points in the shaping of the modern
world. The course begins with a brief review of the areas
covered in 6th and 7th grade World History classes dealing with
the rise of democratic ideas. A concentrated study of the content
area begins with the Industrial Revolution and continues through
the periods of Imperialism, Colonialism, World War I,
Totalitarianism, World War II, and nationalism in the
contemporary world. Current world issues will be discussed
throughout the year and will be referenced to the content
instruction. The class also works to help student‘s use critical
thinking skills, understand cultural differences, and extend social
interaction skills. This class is required for high school
graduation. This course meets UC/CSU (History-a)

Assignment Calendar

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Past Assignments



Topic: The Cold War 1947-1991
Students are to watch the three videos below and answer the following question: What was the Cold War and how did it impact the United States and the world? Below are three videos that will help you in writing a brief 3-5 paragraph essay. After you write your essay, all you need to do is share your work with a parent or guardian and give a 3-5 minute explanation to them. Explain what you learned about the Cold War. USE your writing to support your presentation. Allow parents or guardians to ask you questions about what you learned about the Cold War. That's it! This is about learning! 
  1. USA vs. USSR Fight! The Cold War: Crash Course World History #39: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9HjvHZfCUI
  2. The Cold War: Crash Course US History #37: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C72ISMF_D0
  3. The Cold War in Asia: Crash Course US History #38: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2IcmLkuhG0



Enrichment Topic: World War II (1939-1945): Close Reading: Nuclear Weapons
Before you read the article, you should skim it first. The skim should be very quick and give you the gist (general idea) of what the article is about. You should be looking at the title, author, headings, pictures, and opening sentences of paragraphs for the gist.

Second read: key ideas and understanding content

Now that you’ve skimmed the article, you should preview the questions you will be answering. These questions will help you get a better understanding of the concepts and arguments that are presented in the article. Keep in mind that when you read the article, it is a good idea to write down any vocab you see in the article that is unfamiliar to you.
By the end of the second close read, you should be able to answer the following questions:
  1. Where was nuclear fission discovered? How did it get into the hands of the American military?
  2. What was the Potsdam Declaration?
  3. According to Peter Zimmerman, Japanese cities were being bombed every week, with about as many people dying every week as died as a result of the nuclear bomb attack on Hiroshima. What claim does this evidence support?
  4. Why did the Japanese surrender, according to Tsuyoshi Hasegawa?
  5. What ‘race’ did the United States, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, China, France, and India participate in after the Second World War?

Third read: evaluating and corroborating

Finally, here are some questions that will help you focus on why this article matters and how it connects to other content you’ve studied.
At the end of the third read, you should be able to respond to this question:
  1. Tsuyoshi Hasegawa argues that the Soviet Union played a considerable role in Japan’s surrender, more so than American use of nuclear weapons. Do you find the author’s argument convincing? Why or why not? Use evidence from materials from this Era to support your claim.
Now that you know what to look for, it’s time to read! Remember to return to these questions once you’ve finished reading. You may begin your reading here: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/whp-origins/era-7-the-great-convergence-and-divergence-1880-ce-to-the-future/73-world-war-2-betaa/a/read-nuclear-weapons-beta



Enrichment Topic: World War II (1939-1945): The Holocaust

You will READ, Write and THEN watch a video on "The Holocaust, Genocides, and Mass Murder of WWII": Crash Course:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQeDvnapdlg
However, BEFORE you watch the video, please follow the directions below: 

The article linked above uses “Three Close Reads”. If you want to learn more about this strategy, click here.

The Holocaust was the murder of millions of Jews and other persecuted groups across Nazi-occupied Europe in World War II. Discussing it is among the most difficult and most necessary topics in history. Created by World History Project.
First read: preview and skimming for gist
Before you read the article you should skim it first. The skim should be very quick and give you the gist (general idea) of what the article is about. You should be looking at the title, author, headings, pictures, and opening sentences of paragraphs for the gist.

Second read: key ideas and understanding content

Now that you’ve skimmed the article, you should preview the questions you will be answering. These questions will help you get a better understanding of the concepts and arguments that are presented in the article. Keep in mind that when you read the article, it is a good idea to write down any vocab you see in the article that is unfamiliar to you.
By the end of the second close read, you should be able to answer the following questions:
  1. In what ways did the Nazis kill their victims?
  2. What ideas did the Nazis use to create hostility towards Jewish people?
  3. What are some early ways in which the Nazis restricted Jewish rights?
  4. Why were Jewish pregnant women, children, and mothers particularly targeted for gassing?
  5. According to the author, many enslaved Jews worked in private companies and were killed by people who knew them. Why is this point important?

Third read: evaluating and corroborating

Finally, here are some questions that will help you focus on why this article matters and how it connects to other content you’ve studied.
At the end of the third read, you should be able to respond to this question:
  1. The author argues that, “We need to be on the lookout for when we, too, become “used to” the casual oppression of others, when our everyday compassion for people different from us disappears.” Can you think of examples from your own life or from your society of people getting “used to” bad treatment of others? Are there ways in which we can act to avoid repeating this kind of atrocity?
Remember to return to these questions once you’ve finished reading. Then watch the video. If you follow the teachers instructions, you will get maximum benefit to your learning. First Read. Answer the Questions (Write), THEN watch the video here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQeDvnapdlg



Enrichment Topic: World War II (1939-1945)
Please read and following directions: 
You will watch a video on WWII:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q78COTwT7nE
However, beforeyou watch: World War II-Crash Course World History, Please use the following "Three Close Reads" approach as you watch the video created by World History Project:
 Use the “Three Close Reads” approach as you watch the video below (next in the lineup!). If you want to learn more about this strategy, click here.

First read: preview and skimming for gist

Before you watch, you should skim the transcript first. The skim should be very quick and give you the gist (general idea) of what the video is about. You should be looking at the title, thumbnails, pictures, and first few seconds of the video for the gist.

Second read: key ideas and understanding content

Now that you’ve skimmed the video transcript and taken a quick peek at the video, you should preview the questions you will be answering. These questions will help you get a better understanding of the concepts and arguments that are presented in the video. Keep in mind that when you watch the video, it is a good idea to write down any vocab you read or hear that is unfamiliar to you.
By the end of the second close read, you should be able to answer the following questions:
  1. What different dates do historians argue mark the start of World War II and why?
  2. What was the Blitzkrieg, and what did it enable the Nazis to do?
  3. Why was 1941 such a significant year in the conflict?
  4. According to John Green, how did the supply of food in different places contribute to World War II?
  5. John Green claims that the Soviet Union under Stalin was undemocratic. What is the significance of this point for the way we interpret this conflict?
  6. What factors made World War II a total war?

Third read: evaluating and corroborating

Finally, here are some questions that will help you focus on why this video matters and how it connects to other content you’ve studied.
At the end of the third read, you should be able to respond to this question:
  1. John Green argues that World War II atrocities like the Holocaust were possible because of technologies we associate with “Western progress” like state record-keeping and advanced industry. Do you think innovations in science and technology have generally resulted in improving or hurting human societies? Use evidence from this video and other material from this era to support your claim.
Now that you know what to look for, it’s time to watch! Remember to return to these questions once you’ve finished watching.
  • Discuss with a partner. Reflect. Think. Critically. :-)



Enrichment Topic: World War II (1939-1945): Causes of WWII
Answer the following questions and discuss with a partner: 
  • List the four causes of WWII as explained in the video.
  • What was the 'Military' causes of WWII? 
  • What was the 'Social' causes of WWII? 
  • What were the economic causes of WWII?
  • What were the political causes of WWII? 
  • Why did Chamberlain's Policy of Appeasement not work to bring peace in Europe?
  • What are three (3) things you learned, two (2) questions you have, and one (1) thing you will NEVER forget about this lesson/teaching about the causes of WWII? 
  • Discuss with a partner. Reflect. Think. Critically. :-)



Enrichment Topic: World War I (1914 to 1918): End of WWI and The Treaty of Versailles
Watch the following video and answer the following questions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfnEy8FuElc
Discuss with a partner: 
  1. What year was The Treaty of Versailles signed? 
  2. The Treaty of Versailles was largely responsible for the major events of the 20th Century. What three (3) major events occurred after the Treaty of Versailles? 
  3. What new military technology was used during WWI?
  4. How many people died in WWI? 
  5. How many people died from the Spanish Flu?
  6. Who was the President of the United States during WW!?
  7. How many points were in the President's plan for peace? 
  8. Was Germany invited to the Peace Conference? 
  9. Name five ways Germany was severely punished in the Treaty of Versailles.
  10. How much money did Germany have to pay for war reparations? 
  11. What was the new emerging "right wing" party called? 
  12. What was the name of the French leader during this time? 
  13. What three military prohibitions were placed upon Germany? 
  14. What was the name of the British leader during this time? 
  15. What was the name of the Italian leader during this time? 
  16. What was the League of Nations and who came up with this idea? 
  17. What is the significance of the League of Nations to our modern world? 
  18. What happened to Germany's colonies?
  19. What did Adolf Hitler promise the German people?
  20. What was the historical significance of the Treaty of Versailles? 



Enrichment Topic: Russian Revolution  (1917 –  1923)
Watch the following video and answer the following questions. Discuss with a partner:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6KR4cLLVzQ
  1. What was happening in Russia during World War I?
  2. Why was Czar Nicholas II unsuccessful in World War I? 
  3. What basic materials did the Russian soldiers lack during World War I?
  4. What were the Zemstvos?
  5. Why did working class Russian women take to the streets and protest in the city of Petrograd?
  6. How many Russian casualties did the Russian soldiers suffer? 
  7. What was the Duma?
  8. Who were the Soviets in 1905? 
  9. What did Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevik party believe about leading the Russian Revolution? 
  10. What was Lenin's campaign slogan for the Bolshevik party? 
  11. Who was Leon Trotsky?
  12. How did Lenin want to deal with the Provisional Government after the Czar abdicated his thrown? 
  13. What happened on October 1917? (Russian Calendar)
  14. What did the Bolsheviks (Communists) do to the "advocates for democracy"?
  15. What was the Treaty of Brest-Livovsk in 1918? What did it do for Russia?
  16. Where did the Russian capital (Petrograd/St. Petersberg) move to? Why? 
  17. The Bolsheviks said they were "Socialist," but changed their name to ________________. 
  18. How did the Russian Bolsheviks/Communists treat their people in Russia? 
  19. What happened to Lenin in January 1924? 
  20. Who led Russia after Lenin? 



Enrichment Topic: World War I (1914 to 1918)
Watch the following video and answer the following questions. Discuss with a partner: https://youtu.be/SLj5r2nZHB8
  1. About how many years ago did World War I take place?
  2. How many soldiers were involved in the war?
  3. What two countries fight each other in 1871?
  4. List the countries that make up the Triple Alliance.
  5. What does Germany begin to do in Africa?
  6. List the countries that make up the Triple Entente.
  7. What event was the spark or “war trigger” in 1914?
  8. What was the Schlieffen Plan?
  9. Was the Schleiffen Plan successful?
  10. What does Japan do in 1915?
  11. What happens to the Germany colonies in Africa?
  12. What happens to the indigenous peoples in Africa?
  13. What new war-technologies are used in WWI?
  14. What is a “stalemate”? [look it up]
  15. How many casualties did Russian suffer?
  16. What happens in Russia that brings down the regime of the Czars?
  17. Who wins the second Revolution in Russia what do they do next with respect to their participation in WWI?
  18. How many people were killed in WWI?
  19. Where is the signing of the Treaty to end WWI signed and who was NOT invited?
  20. Under the Treaty of Versailles (1919), what country was held responsible for WWI?
  21. What two (2) empires are dismantled making way for new countries (nation states).
  22. What happens to Germany and what do they begin seeking? (Hint: What comes after WWI?)



Enrichment Topic: World War I (1914 to 1918)
Who Started WWI? View video: https://youtu.be/_pFCpKtwCkI
Answer the following questions and discuss with a partner: 
  1.  Why did WWI start? 
  2. Who was responsible for starting WWI? 
  3. What are three (3) things you learned, two (2) questions you have, and one (1) thing you will NEVER forget about this lesson/teaching about the causes of WWI? 
  4. Discuss with a partner. Reflect. Think. Critically. :-)



Enrichment Topic: World War I (1914 to 1918)
How WWI Started: 
View video: https://youtu.be/Cd2ch4XV84s
Answer the following questions and discuss with a partner: 
  1.  How did WWI start? 
  2. Who was responsible for starting WWI? 
  3. What are three (3) things you learned, two (2) questions you have, and one (1) thing you will NEVER forget about this lesson/teaching about the causes of WWI? 
  4. Discuss with a partner. Reflect. Think. Critically. :-)



Enrichment Topic: World War I (1914 to 1918)
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand 


1. Why was the Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated? 
2. Who assassinated the Archduke Franz Ferdinand? 
3. How and why did the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand lead to WWI? 
4.  What are three (3) things you learned, two (2) questions you have, and one (1) thing you will NEVER forget about this lesson/teaching about the causes of WWI? 
5. Discuss with a partner and reflect. 



Enrichment Topic: World War I (1914 to 1918)
View the following Video on the M.A.I.N Causes of WWI and answer the following questions: 
1. What are the four main causes of WWI? 
2. What does the acrostic 'M.A.I.N' stand for? 
3. What are three (3) things you learned, two (2) questions you have, and one (1) thing you will NEVER forget about this lesson/teaching about the causes of WWI? 
Discuss with a partner. Reflect. Think. Critically. :-)



Enrichment Topic: World War I (1914 to 1918)
View the following Video on the Asian responses to European Imperialism. Answer the following questions listed below and discuss with a partner.


  1. How many people did European imperialism affect people worldwide?
  2. How do we know (where do we get information from) how European Imperialism affected Asian countries (LDC’s)?
  3. In this video, Mr. Green is using the book, FROM THE RUINS OF EMPIRE, by Pankaj Mishra to elaborate on the Asian responses to European Imperialism. List the names of the three Asian thinkers (writers) and their respective country as explained by Mr. Green.
  4. How did Sayyid Jamal Ad-Din Al-Afhani describe European Imperialism and the effects on his fellow Muslims (in their OWN country)?
  5. How did China respond to European superiority in technology?
  6. How did Nationalism play a role in the Asian response to European Imperialism?
  7. How did Japan incorporate Western ideas to strengthening their country during the age of Imperialism?
  8. What are three BIG IDEAS you learned about the Asian response to European Imperialism?



Enrichment Topic: Imperialism 1870-1914 C.E.
Watch the following video and answer the following questions. Discuss with a partner. 
  1. Why did Europeans use silver to trade with China?
  2. What product did the Europeans import into China that threatened Chinese society? (Hint: This product led to mass drug addiction)
  3. How did the Chinese respond to the illegal importation of drugs by the Europeans? 
  4. How did the British government respond to the Chinese when the Chinese tried to enforce their own laws against the importation of drugs into China?
  5. What is a “sphere of influence?”
  6. What helped Europeans to successfully colonize [basically] all of Africa?
  7. How did Nationalism play a role in the colonization of Africa (Imperialism)?
  8. Name four (4) natural resources that Europeans wanted through colonization?
  9. How did the role of disease play a role in European colonization?
  10. What was the most important technology that aided the Europeans to dominate the peoples of the less developed countries (LDC’s)?
  11. How do wars play a role in colonization (Imperialism)?
  12. What is “indirect rule” vs. “direct rule”?
  13. What are three (3) Big Ideas you learned about Imperialism?



Enrichment Topic: Imperialism 1870-1914 C.E.
Imperialism is the domination by a more developed country (MDC) over a less developed country (LDC). In essence, the MDC engages in the domination of over the LDC's political, social and economic systems; either by forcing (through war) or influencing (through politics). It is important to note that the MDC's drive for Imperialism is also fueled by a sense of Nationalism as MDC's compete with other MDC's for influence and control over the LDC's and their respective natural resources/labor. Thus, both Nationalism and the Industrial Revolution played key roles in the development of Imperialism. 
Watch the following video and answer the following questions. Discuss with a partner. 
  1. Why do you think the MDC's were able to engage successfully in Imperialism?
  2.  How does Nationalism play a role in Imperialism?
  3. How does Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution play a role in Imperialism?
  4. Why do we have MDC's and LDC's in the first place? 
  5. What are three (3) Things you learned from the Video, What two (2) questions do you have about Imperialism? What's one (1) Imperialism you will NEVER FORGET about Imperialism?



Enrichment Topic: Imperialism 1870-1914 C.E.

Imperialism: n. 'a policy of extending your rule over foreign countries'. Imperialism is a type of government that seeks to increase its size, either by forcing (through war) or influencing (through politics) other countries to submit to their rule.

"The sun never sets on the Roman Empire, or so went the saying when Rome controlled the majority of Europe 2000 years ago. Empire has the same Latin root as imperialism, and the Roman Empire grew to be so vast because they invaded, conquered, and developed everywhere they could. Until Rome fell, that is. Imperialism isn’t always violent, but it’s usually used in a negative sense, so watch for secret agents if you’re talking about your country’s policy of imperialism."
View these two videos to see how imperialism and colonies have occurred over the years.
Discuss with a partner and be prepared to share out. 
  1. What did you notice?
  2. What areas of the world were colonized or 'imperialized' first?
  3. What areas of the world were the last to gain their independence?



Enrichment Topic: Imperialism 1870-1914 C.E.
Imperialism Map Activity: 
Using the map below, answer the questions that follow. Discuss with a partner. 

1.  Which European country appears to have had the most colonial territory in Africa during the age of imperialism?

2.  The names on this map changed once African nations achieved independence.  Using a modern map, identify three modern day countries that used to be part of the British Empire.

3.  Name two modern day countries that used to be part of the French Empire.



Enrichment Topic: Imperialism 1870-1914 C.E.
This is a great video to review the basic understanding of the idea of Imperialism and how it may still be affecting our modern world today. What do you think? 
Answer the following questions and discuss with a partner: 
  1. Describe Imperialism in your own words. 
  2. How does historical Imperialism help us understand our modern world? 
  3. What is neo-imperialism? 
  4. Discuss with a partner and reflect. 


World History Class Zoom Meeting Update.....

Aloha Students!
Mr. Caballero is inviting Students to a voluntary scheduled Zoom meeting on April 14, 2020. This voluntary meeting is designed to help support students with any questions they may have from our World History Class Website Update concerning our classes going forward. Students do not have to remain in the virtual meeting for the entire time. We have forty (40) minutes for each meeting session listed below. 

***Please read the COVID-19/School Closure Update published April 7, 2020 posted our Class Website BEFORE the meeting, so that you familiarize yourself with the plan going forward in our World History classes. Bring your questions and concerns to the video meeting and I will help guide students and hopefully relieve them of any unnecessary stress. This is a very confusing time for all of us, so please be flexible and patient. 

As always, parents and students can contact me directly by e-mail : [email protected]

Link to sign up for Zoom to attend meetings: https://zoom.us/

Students are also able to download the Zoom App on their cell phones.

Once students have created a Zoom account, they can join our meetings by entering the Meeting ID number and the Password Number.

To provide flexibility for students, there are three (3) time slots to attend the Zoom Meetings:

1) Topic: Caballero's Zoom Meeting Q & A

Time: Apr 14, 2020 10:00-10:40 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 175 738 790

Password: 031315

2) Topic: Caballero's Zoom Meeting Q & A

Time: Apr 14, 2020 11:00-11:40 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 496 341 262
Password: 012166

3) Caballero's Zoom Meeting Q & A

Time: Apr 14, 2020 02:00-2:40 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 248 891 849

Password: 007832

Most importantly, please remember, this is voluntary. I am simply trying to help support students and help them not to stress out during this difficult time. Together, we are better and we will get through this together. Please take care of each other and be safe. Aloha. 

Respectfully Yours,
Mr. Caballero, M.A.
EHS World History
[email protected]



Aloha World History Students!

Thank you to all our World History students who participated in our Zoom Video Q & A today. As explained in our meetings today, all Enrichment Activities and Grade Improvement Activities are voluntary on the part of the student.

Enrichment Activities will be posted on our Class Website (about 2-3 assignments per week). Enrichment Activities will be non-graded tasks to support students bridging the educational gap created by the Covid-19 school closures. Teacher will support student with individual questions via e-mail. Questions to support your learning are encouraged. Students and parents are also encouraged to discuss student learning at home.

Grade Improvement Activities are graded-specific assignment(s) specially designed to increase student grades through extra-credit activities & tasks. *Students have been directed to contact the teacher individually for Grade Improvement Activities (GIA).

All students are expected to take advantage of the voluntary enrichment activities, however, both enrichment activities and grade improvement activities are voluntary per District policy. 

If you have further questions, please contact Mr. Caballero directly at: [email protected]


Covid-19 World History Update.....

Aloha World History Students!!!
Please read the following COVID-19/School Closure Update for our World History class. Please visit our World History Home Page: https://ehs.leusd.k12.ca.us/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=565857&type=u&pREC_ID=1597831
Respectfully Yours, 
Mr. Caballero



News Report #4 due March 4, 2020. 
REMINDER: All students are required to complete a News Report EVERY Wednesday. Thank you students for your work on these assignments. Aloha! 🌺



Assigned on March 5, 2020: Read and take outline notes on Chapter 5-1 Industrial Revolution pg. 170-174 and is Due on March 9, 2020. 



Here a a great video to support your learning of the Industrial Revolution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhL5DCizj5c
Pay close attention to WHY the Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain. 
Enjoy! Aloha Friday!!!!!



News Report #3 is due March 4, 2020.
REMINDER: All students are required to complete a News Report EVERY Wednesday. Thank you students for your work on these assignments. Aloha! 🌺



Napoleon Writing Quiz: Students have been preparing in class to answer the following prompt in complete sentences:
"Analyze the ways in which Napoleon Bonaparte both supported and undermined the main goals of the French Revolution during his rule of France (1799-1815)". 
*****Teacher supported students in brainstorming, organizing and writing their essay response in class and review (practice) for this writing assessment. Significant time was devoted to explaining how to develop a "claim." In addition, students were given time to learn how to effectively establish the significance of the claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that logically sequences claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
Time given in class for students to prepare, ask questions and receive support. Teacher also recommends all students to take advantage of our free tutoring after school in room 226 Monday-Thursday 2:30-3:30. Good luck!



Reminder: News Reports are due EVERY Wednesday!!!!!! This gives you 6 days to complete this assignment. Therefore, no late work is accepted.
You have already been given extra-extra-extra-extra-extra-extra time. 🤓Just DO IT! ⚓



Aloha World History Students! Here is the video we used in class to supplement our notes, power-points, lectures and class discussions on the French Revolution. Remember, you can use 21st century technology (youtube, Khan Academy, Crash Course World History, History Channel, Google Searches) to improve your learning in ALL your classes. You don't have to wait for a school or teacher to begin learning on your own! You are FREE to learn! Yay! 😁



Aloha Students! Our second (2nd( Hand-Written News Reports are due on Wednesday, February 26, 2020!!!! No late work accepted because you have EXTRA TIME. Just Do IT!!!!!! 



Aloha World History Students!!! Students were assigned on Thursday, February 20, 2020 to read Chapter 4-3 The Rise of Napoleonic Wars (Pages 149-155) and take Outline Notes. This is due Monday, February 24, 2020. This will give students "Extra-Extra-Extra-Extra" time to complete this assignment. So, no late work will be accepted. Why? Because you have been given "Extra-Extra-Extra-Extra" time.This is due Monday, February 24, 2020. 



Reminder: Please use 21st Century technology to supplement your learning ANY subject in the World!!!! You have access to more resources, information, videos, etc... than any time in World History. For Example: Check out this cool video on Napoleon to supplement your learning: 



Second Reminder: Our second 2nd ( Hand-Written) News Reports are due on Wednesday, February 26, 2020!!!! No late work accepted because you have EXTRA TIME. Just Do IT!!!!!! 



Aloha Students! All Hand-Written News Reports are due on February 18, 2020!!!! No late work accepted because you have EXTRA TIME. Just Do IT!!!!!! 



Homework for February 10 & 11: Chapter 4-2 "Radical Revolution" (French Revolution) Read pages 142-147 and complete Outline Notes. Remember, writing every day is a great way to improve your literacy skills and overall comprehension. These literacy skills will support you as you compete for positions in College & Career. Aloha! 🌺



Aloha Students!!! Please finish Chapter 4-2 Outline Notes pages 147-148. Thank you! Keep up the good work! Stay focused!



Aloha Students!!
As a professional educator, I am calling your attention to a BIG problem we have in American schools: Cell Phone Addiction.  "Teens spend an average of seven hours and 22 minutes on their phones a day, and tweens -- ages 8 to 12 -- are not far behind, at four hours and 44 minutes daily, according to a new report by Common Sense Media, a nonprofit that promotes safe technology and media for children."
Think about it. If students are spending 7 hours and 22 minutes on their phones, when are students actually reading, writing, and studying?
American teachers across the nation are noticing a greater number of students on their cell phones during classroom instruction in violation of their school/district policy. If you are unable to focus in school, work or at home, take a look at how much time you are spending on your cell phone/electronic device. You may be suffering from cell phone addiction. 
Please read the LEUSD School Board Policy on the use of Cell Phones & All Electronic Devices: "Students are required to turn them [cell phones & electronics] off and place them out of sight during school hours. (BP 5131)."
In the spirit of helping and supporting our students, parents, and staff, I am providing a resource for cell phone addiction. If you need help, please do not hesitate to ask. We have all become more and more addicted to cell phones. I am no exception. Let's get help and be free of all distractions from our learning. 
If you are suffering from any of the symptoms of cell phone addiction, we can help guide you to resources to help. My hunch is that if you limit your cell phone use, there will be more time for you to be more present and available for authentic teaching & learning in the classroom. I hope this helps!



Second Notice: Homework: Please read pages 137-139 French Revolution and complete outline notes. 



*** Second Notice: Hello World History Students! Homework tonight will go along with our notes from the Introduction of the French Revolution. Students took notes on the Political Spectrum in class to day and notes on the Three Estates System of France. Soooo. Here is your homework: Read Pages 132-137 and take outline notes. Good luck! 



Homework: Please read pages 137-139 French Revolution and complete outline notes. 
Here is also a PPT on the Causes of the French Revolution that was discussed in class. You can use this resource to help support your learning. Enjoy!



This is an excellent resource for our study of the French Revolution:
Please check it out! We will be referencing this documentary in our studies. 



Hello World History Students! Homework tonight will go along with our notes from the Introduction of the French Revolution. Students took notes on the Political Spectrum in class to day and notes on the Three Estates System of France. Soooo. Here is your homework: Read Pages 132-137 and take outline notes. Good luck! 



Aloha World History Students: Please make sure that all outline notes are completed for Chapter 3 Lesson 4 "The American Revolution" from pages 117-123 by Friday, January 31, 2020. Thank you!
Make it a Great Day! 



American Revolution Quiz will be on Friday, January 31, 2020!!!! Good luck!
Aloha Friday!🌺



Aloha World History Students! Please make sure to complete your homework tonight:
Read Pages 119-121 and complete Outline Notes for the following topics:
Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson & British Defeat. ***Some of you have already completed this section of notes. Make sure these are completed by tomorrow. 
Also, please take advantage of the free tutoring offered by Elsinore High School: Room 226 from 2:30-3:30 Monday-Thursday. 



Aloha World History Students: Many students are still struggling with taking outline notes. Please review the following suggestions on how to take outline notes. If you are still having problems, please make an appointment and I will help. 

HW or Homework Notes Directions (a.k.a. How to take notes from the textbook)

  • Provide a complete TITLE for your notes, like this example: "13.2 HW Notes "Europe Plunges into War" & write it on the top line of your paper.
  • NUMBER your paraphrased (put text into your words) sentences which should contain information on the main ideas, significant points, causes & effects, results and conclusions. Dates are useful too, but they're secondary in importance to the above info.
  • All Main Heading titles (in Red or Blue or choose any color you like) should be copied down and given a Roman Numeral, like III or IV in front of the text. Don't indent for main headings.
  • All Sub-heading titles (in Black) should be copied down, a letter placed in front & indented one finger width, no more. Start with A, then B, and so on. This lettering system starts over for each main heading.
  • NOTE: Paragraphs that follow a main heading but have NO sub-heading should be titled Intro or Introduction and given the letter A.
  • The "Setting the Stage" at the beginning of each chapter section should be treated as a sub-heading and given letter A.
  • Read 2-3 pages of your textbook every weeknight so you don't fall behind on completing your weekly HW Notes.
  • Remember to keep all your work, especially class notes, outline notes, and review sheets, they will be useful as a study guide for the semester final exam. Also, it is proof you completed the work.

10 Must Do's for Better Class & HW Notes:

​#1 You should keep your notes properly labeled (titles, headings, chapter/section name, page numbers) and organized so you always know which is your Class Notes and which is your Outline Notes.
#2 When taking Class Notes, you should always copy down everything that is on the board as well as other important facts or terms emphasized in the lecture.
#3 Before your Class Notes are due to be collected, you should always check to make sure you have all the Main Ideas and aren't missing any.
#4 Always use the traditional outline note-taking format when taking Class Notes and Outline Notes. Bulleted notes are not acceptable. Please see me if you need help with taking Class and or 
Outline notes.
#5 You should always High-light or underline key terms and definitions in your Class Notes and 
Outline Notes.
#6 One section of the textbook 
Outline notes should usually fill no more than 1 piece of lined paper front and back, otherwise you are copying too much of the book and not summarizing the main ideas enough.
#7 Taking the time to work on and complete your 
Outline Notes can significantly increase your chances of having a higher overall class grade.
#8 If you make a mistake in pencil, erase it. If you are using a pen, cross it out neatly. Do not have too many mistakes in pen, otherwise use a pencil.
#9 Your Class Notes and 
Outline Notes should be written in pencil or pen (blue or black ink only), never both.
#10 The different pages of your Class Notes and Outline Notes must be organized by first notes on top last notes on the bottom, and organized in a 3 ring binder.



Third Notice: Please read Chapter 3 Lesson 4 "The American Revolution" pages 117-119 & take outline notes. This assignment will help you make connections with the Age of Enlightenment and the creation of The United States of America. If you have any questions after completing your homework assignment, make sure to ask me. I am here to help. 🤓***I will be checking your notes tomorrow January, 24, 2020. Make sure you have notes for the following subheadings: 
1. Britain and the American Revolutiond
2. The American Revolution Begins
3. Common Sense



Aloha World History Students! Please view the following video on the American Revolution. This will help you make more sense of your reading, your notes and our class discussions. 



Second Notice: Please read Chapter 3 Lesson 4 "The American Revolution" pages 117-119 & take outline notes. This assignment will help you make connections with the Age of Enlightenment and the creation of The United States of America. If you have any questions after completing your homework assignment, make sure to ask me. I am here to help. 🤓



Aloha World History Students! Welcome back to school! Tonight's homework will compliment your study of the American Revolution: Please read Chapter 3 Lesson 4 "The American Revolution" pages 117-119 & take outline notes. This assignment will help you make connections with the Age of Enlightenment and the creation of The United States of America. If you have any questions after completing your homework assignment, make sure to ask me. I am here to help. 🤓




Assignment: 2020 Goal Assignment (New Years Resolution) *****Class time will be provided extra-time to complete this assignment on Thursday. I will do a 'spot check ' of your completed work on Friday--@ the beginning of the period. 
Students are to answer the questions presented in class today. Students must use all of the space provided on one piece of paper (front & back) and write in complete sentences. Teacher will give full credit to all students completing this first assignment for 2020. Hopefully, students will follow through with their personal goal listed on their assignment and begin to realize there is hope and possibility in self-improvement. This is an opportunity for students to begin the New Year with an "A" on their first assignment! 
1. What do you need to work on? 
2. How is this apparent in your life?
3. How has this been an ongoing problem in your life? 
4. What would you need to do to resolve it? 
5. What are you WILLING to do to resolve it? 
6. What are the pay-offs positive and negative for NOT resolving it? **** (Don't get confused. Look inward and you will see their is a positive pay-off or something you get out of not resolving the problem. For example, if you do not resolve your problem of improving in your math class, you could spend time on your cell phone making tick-tock videos. See? There IS a pay-off that appears to be positive. But there is also a negative pay-off: you fail your math class. Again.) So, really look inward and see for yourself. This assignment will not "fix" you. It's designed to help you begin making a sincere effort in improving you life. Create a goal for 2020! Go for it. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Good Luck! 🤙🏾



Aloha World History Students!!!!! Please watch this inspirational video on the secret to success. Please also watch this video with your parents. Let's change our language at school and at home  by reinforcing the connection between our EFFORT and SUCCESS in ALL areas of our lives. 
~Mr. Caballero 🏄🏾



Welcome Back World History Students!!! I hope you all had a great Winter Break ☃️ and are now ready to continue your journey in studying World History in 2020!
Please remember to take advantage of all we have to offer here at Elsinore High School. We have free tutoring, clubs, activities, sports, and many teachers & staff willing to help ALL students better prepare for College & Career.
I just wanted to let you all know I am proud of the work you have done. I've seen improvement and I encourage you to continue doing what works and believing things that are true. 🤓
Happy New Year! Aloha! 🌺
~Mr. Caballero



Aloha World History Students! Welcome to "Mid-Term Finals Week" where students will be preparing for and taking their Final Exams for the first semester of the 2019-20 school year! All students will be afforded time to review and study for their exams, ask questions and create their own study guides. Monday, December 17 & 18 2019 are "work/study" days for Mid-Terms. Please use this time wisely and prepare for success now and for your future work in College & Career!
********* It is imperative for students to study for ALL their Final Exams. Study in groups, study individually, make 3x5 study cards, create study guides, etc....
Elsinore High School has provided All students opportunities to attend Free Tutoring throughout the school year and this week we are providing a safe place for students to study for their Final Exams!!! It's called our Elsinore High School "Study-A-Thon"! 
Tuesday (17th): 2:30-5:00pm
Wednesday (18th) 12:00-2:30pm
Thursday (19th) 12:00-2:30pm
**Rooms 222,223 and 226!!!!
Come join us!!!! Good luck in All your finals this week!  🏄🏾 🌊 ⚓🌺👣



Aloha World History Students! As you prepare for your Mid-Term Final Exams in All of your classes, remember it's about studying effectively that will give you the results you want! Please make sure you are studying with 3x5 flash cards, study in groups (try to make it fun), and please attend our AVID sponsored "Study-A-Thon":
Tuesday (17th): 2:30-5:00pm
Wednesday (18th) 12:00-2:30pm
Thursday (19th) 12:00-2:30pm
**Rooms 222,223 and 226!!!!
Come join us!!!! Good luck in All your finals this week!  🏄🏾 🌊 ⚓🌺👣



Aloha Students! If you still are not satisfied with your grades and results in high school, you may not be studying effectively for your Final Exams. Please read the recommendation below on 20 Study Strategies for Finals Week: https://www.fastweb.com/student-life/articles/the-20-study-tips-for-finals

1. Create your own study guide.

While many teachers provide a study guide, creating your own can help you understand the material better. Outlining the important information you need to learn can be helpful, both in creation and to refer to during your studies.

2. Ask questions.

Your professors and TA’s are there to help! Ask them questions regarding the material and the exam so that you’re prepared when exam time arrives.

3. Attend the review session.

Review sessions offer vital information on exam format, what will be on the exam and key concepts you should be focusing your studies on.

4. Start early.

If you always start ahead of schedule, you’ll never be cramming the night before an exam. You’ll almost always perform better in doing so!

5. Organize a group study session.

It can be helpful to study in groups – sometimes. Evaluate whether or not studying with others will be beneficial to the subject as well at your learning process.

6. Study things not on the study guide.

Study guides aren't always comprehensive – they’re just suggestions of the main concepts to learn. Use your study guide for its intended purpose: a guide. Be sure to fill in the blanks with related information.

7. Take breaks.

You won’t be able to memorize or comprehend all the material at once. Balance is key - ensure that you reward learning with break times to recharge and relax.

8. Stay well-rested.

There’s a lot to be said about a good night’s sleep. Make sure you’re well-rested so that you can be fully focused during your exams.

9. Create a study schedule - and follow it.

Splitting the material into chucks you can actually achieve can be very beneficial. That way, you can keep track of what you’ve accomplished instead of looking at the big picture and getting overwhelmed.

10. Prioritize your study time.

Some exams will be more difficult than others, some you may find easier to study for. Some may be worth more of your grade than others. Make sure to evaluate all of your exams to consider and determine all of the involved factors so you can study accordingly.

11. Study for the style of exam.

If it’s multiple choice, you’ll need to know definitions and concepts. For essay exams, focus on your understanding of all the concepts presented, with examples in mind.

12. Quiz yourself.

If you think about and create actual exam questions, you will likely become more familiar with what you need to study and, in the meantime, familiarize yourself with the type of language that will be on the exam. Draft potential exam questions and quiz yourself so that you can set expectations of what you need to focus on.

13. Meet with your professor or TA.

Often times, meeting with an instructor, whether it’s a professor or a TA, can give you helpful hints for what to study and ways to prepare for the exam.

14. Reorganize your notes.

Evaluate and reorganize your notes into what’s important, outlining important concepts, formulas dates and definitions so they’re easy to understand.

15. Pace yourself.

Make sure you stay focused and don’t burn yourself out. A great way to do so is to pace yourself rather than opting for the dreaded all-nighter. You can easily pace yourself by following tips like starting early, creating a study schedule and taking breaks when necessary!

16. Teach classmates.

Learning by teaching is a method that really works! If you work with a study buddy and explain concepts to one another, you're re-learning the material all over again. It's a great way to reinforce what you've learned and help someone in the meantime!

17. Revolve your focus.

Switching up your subjects is a helpful way to learn everything for your exams while preventing burnout on one topic. Make sure to switch it up before your eyes glaze over! That way, you can keep studying for longer periods of time while maintaining your focus.

18. Color code it.

Create a system that allows you to color code material that's going to be on the exam by what's most important, less important, etc. This will help you focus on the most pertinent information and prioritize the material.

19. Visualize.

If you're a visual learner, it can help to create mind maps or diagrams to visualize how the concepts you're learning relate to one another. This is especially beneficial when learning concepts that build upon the understanding of one another, like in science courses.

20. Make it fun.

It's easier to focus if you adapt to studying by quizzing yourself, creating acronyms or rewarding yourself for a job well done. Create a game plan - literally - that allows you to accomplish tasks and be rewarded for each. For example, why not reward yourself with a piece of chocolate or a sip of your coffee after you've accomplished a new chapter or allow yourself five minutes of free time for every chunk of material you digest? You can even add in fun factors like power-ups every time you learn a new definition and lose a life, which means you add another definition to your list, when you get an answer wrong!







Aloha Students!!!!! I am providing some great video resources to help all students review  and prepare for our mid-term final exam. Remember our final exam will cover themes from "Exploration, Scientific Revolution and The Enlightenment." Check these out: 



Hello Again Awesome World History Students!!!! Please see the PowerPoint attached for our study of the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment!!!! Use this resource to help prepare for our Mid-Term Final Exam (Exploration, Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment). Make it a Great Day! Aloha! 🌺





Aloha World History Students! I hope you all had a relaxing break with your family and friends in celebration of Thanksgiving!  🦃 🍁I am posting the Power Point we are using in our study of Exploration. Please remember to make connections between the themes of the Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, Scientific Revolution and Exploration and how these will ultimately affect the Age of Enlightenment. They are ALL connected to the Socratic way of thinking, which has led to the improvement of our lives in the 21st century. Please use the attached Power Point to add to your notes that will be taken in class. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Also, make sure to take advantage of our free tutoring after school Monday-Thursday from 2:30-3:30. in room 226.  With just 14 school days left in the semester, many find that studying effectively leads to improvement in learning!!!! 



Homework for tonight: Complete your graphic organizer for the Renaissance & Reformation. Here is the list of ideas/questions for your assignment that was on the whiteboard today. Please use your textbook, notes, internet and/or videos to support your learning: 
1. Define Renaissance: 
2. Why does the Renaissance happen in Italy?
3. Name the two (2) major Italian city-states for the Renaissance: 
4. Define Humanism: 
5. Identify 3 Renaissance Artists and one (1) famous work of art for each artists.
6. Define The Protestant Reformation: 
7. Who invented the Printing Press? 
8. List three reasons why the Printing Press is considered one of the most important developments in World History: 
9. Who was Martin Luther and list three arguments he had against the Catholic Church: 
10. What three attitudes and/or behaviors of the Renaissance that continue to influence us today to be the best we can be as individuals, citizens and community members. 



Aloha World History Students!
Here is a list of videos that will help your understanding of our current study of the Renaissance & Protestant Reformation: 
Happy learning!!!!!! 🏄🏽



Aloha World History Students! 🏄🏽
Today, students took notes in class on a new theme in our studies: The Renaissance & Protestant Reformation. Homework tonight is to read Chapter 1 Lesson 4 on pages 32-34 and take outline notes to help support student learning. 
**Reminder: All students should be studying every night. If you are done with your notes, you still can do internet searches and watch videos on the Renaissance & Protestant Reformation to help support your learning. Do a simple Google Search with your questions, and you will find a treasure of information to help support your learning and comprehension. Make it a Great Day! Aloha!🌺



Middle Ages Quiz will take place on 11/13/2019. Students and teacher reviewed in class and participated in Q & A on 11/12/2019 to help support students' understanding and prepare for the exam. Please use your notes, terms & definitions, and our class discussions to prepare and study for our quiz. Use 3x5 study cards! Take advantage of free tutoring at the Homework Club in room 226 Monday-Thursday 2:30-3:30pm! Good luck!
Aloha! Make it a Great Day! 🌺



Classwork/Homework: Please complete Definitions/Summary for the following historical terms from the Middle Ages (500-1500 C.E.): This is due tomorrow 11/7/2019. *****
1. Middle Ages
2. Charlemagne
3. Feudalism
4. England
5. Catholic Church
6. Common Law
7. Magna Carta
8. Parliament
9. superstition 
10. The Black Plague
11. The Crusades
12. The 100 Years War
13. Edward I



Students should have completed their outline Notes for the Middle Ages (pg. 29-32) by now. Students can use these notes as a study guide and be better prepared in class to participate in our class discussions around the Middle Ages.
Remember, notes are for the student. Note-taking is an important skill for high school and college students. Note-taking is a skill taught in elementary school, middle school, high school and college. Why? It helps prepare students prepare for College & Career! If you still need help with your note-taking strategies, do not hesitate to attend our Elsinore High School "Homework Club" and receive Free Tutoring Monday-Thursday 2:30-3:30pm. 
******f you need further support, please view the following video on 'how to take outline notes'--  





Students took notes on an Overview of the Middle Ages today.
Homework: Please read pages 29-32 in the textbook @ home and take outline notes on the following topics: European Civilization in the Middle Ages, England in the High Middle Ages, The Magna Carta, & The Beginnings of Parliament. These notes should be completed by November 6, 2019
Please review the following videos to support your learning. Aloha! Make it a Great Day! 🌺



Quiz on Islam: **** Make sure to study the notes presented in class. 
* Teacher and students reviewed our study of Islam with video, Power Point, class discussions,
Q & A Sessions etc.... It is imperative for students to study effectively for ALL their assessments. Please make sure to follow the recommendations of educational experts (See Attachment on "How To Study for Exams". This will help! Happy studying! ****Also, it is imperative for students to take advantage of the free tutoring offered by Elsinore High School. It's called "Homework Club" and on Monday-Thursdays from 2:30-3:30pm tutoring will be made available at no charge. Go for it! Meet new people and practice the successful habits for students as they prepare for College & Career! 



Aloha World History Students!
The following videos will help in your study of Islam:  
Islam World History Videos:
Make it a Great Day!



Students took notes with teacher on the Byzantine Empire to prepare for our mini-quiz that will take place on 10/23/2019. Please study effectively with the hand out passed out in class today. Good luck and do your best!



Aloha! Students had the opportunity to get an overview of the Fall of Rome and the Byzantine Empire!!!! Students took notes from the teacher. Please also view the following video:
In addition, students continued developing their writing skills by taking notes in class (see attached PPT. This will help your learning about the Byzantine Empire) on They Byzantine Empire (395C.E.----1453 C.E.). 
Please review the video and Power Point and notes taken in class. They will help support your understanding of our teachings and learnings about the Fall of Rome and the Byzantine Empire. We will have a mini-quiz on October 23, 2019.



Good morning students!  All World History classes have reviewed for the Ancient Rome assessment that will take place in class on 10/18/2019. Students and teacher reviewed in class, we created graphic organizers, reviewed PowerPoint presentations, students were instructed to read and review each and every school day, students developed study guides, videos were made available for support etc...significant time was utilized for Q & A, and time was spent on reflecting on our teaching and learning. Students we directed to study and review every school day/night. Mr. Caballero was available to support students before school, after school, and by appointment. *Free tutoring was also made available to students in room 226 "Homework Club" Monday-Thursday (2:30-3:30). Today, students are asking questions and reviewing for the exam tomorrow. Below is a great resource on "How to Study For Exams." Happy studying! You got this! 



Good morning students! Please keep studying your notes and review for the Ancient Rome quiz that will take place on Friday, October 18, 2019. Today, student and teacher reviewed notes taken in class to prepare for the Ancient Rome quiz. 
Here are three (3) really cool videos that will help remind you of what we learned in class and what you read about at home: 
2) Christianity:  https://youtu.be/TG55ErfdaeY



Aloha World History Students!!!! 🌊🏄🏽🌴 🌞 Homework for today: Read and annotate the primary source document: "Letters of Pliny the Younger and the Emperor Trajan". Please annotate, highlight and markup-notes directly on the handout, so as to organize your thoughts and answer the questions presented in class. 
If you need a review on how to annotate a document, here is a good resource to support your learning: https://youtu.be/34be4jskQ1E
🌺Also, make sure you completed your Homework: Read Chapter 1 Lesson 2 "The World of Rome" with a Close Reading of "The Development of Christianity" pages 16-19. This will help you in your homework tonight in understanding the "Development of Christianity" in the Roman Empire. 



Aloha World History Students!!!! 🌺Homework: Read Chapter 1 Lesson 2 "The World of Rome" with a Close Reading of "The Development of Christianity" pages 16-19. 
***Today we reviewed taking outline Notes from Chapter 1 Lesson 2 "The World of Rome." We completed our 3rd "Outline Note Workshop." Students are encouraged to improve their note-taking skills to better learn material from ALL their academic classes. If you have further questions on how to take outline notes in high school, please see Mr. Caballero during lunch or break or by appointment. Please also go to our EHS "Homework Club" in room 226 Monday-Friday 2:30-3:30. You can meet new people and "benchmark" other successful students and how they take outline notes. You may also realize this skill is imperative to master for success in College & Career!!!!



Homework: Read and take Outline Notes on "The World of the Romans" pages 14-16. This WAS due on Thursday, October 3, 2019. Please make sure this assignment is complete. 
****Also: make sure to complete notes on the following video on "Roman Influence on the Modern World."-----  https://youtu.be/C3S0EmzEnF0
A- Alphabet; Scientific Names
L- Language; Latin was the language of the Romans (Romance Languages: Italian, French.....)
L- Law; Roman Law; Roman Republic; Roman Senate; E Pluribus Unum. 
C-Calendar; named after Roman Gods; Emperors...
A- Architecture
R- Religion; Christianity <*)))><
E- Entertainment



All World History classes have reviewed for the assessment on Ancient Greece that will take place in class on 10/2/2019.
Students are encouraged to create their own 3x5 study cards to better prepare for the exam(s). Look at this video to help https://youtu.be/mzCEJVtED0U
It is imperative for ALL students to create 3x5 study cards for ALL of their exams in high school, in college, and in their careers. It works if you work it! 
***Students and teacher reviewed in class, we created graphic organizers, reviewed PowerPoint presentations, developed guided readings, videos were made available for support etc...significant time was utilized for Q & A, and time was spent on reflecting on our teaching and learning. Students we directed to study and review every school day/night.
Mr. Caballero was available to support students before school, after school, and by appointment. *Free tutoring was also made available to students in room 226 "Homework Club" Monday-Thursday (2:30-3:30). Read the resource below to validate how to study effectively for exams. This is ANOTHER great resource for students to improve their approach to studying effectively. Studying effectively will not only help you pass your classes, it will literally help you succeed in College & Career. 



Homework: Read and take Outline Notes on "The World of the Romans" pages 14-16. This is due on Thursday, October 3, 2019. 



Aloha Students! Today was a great day to review and to "benchmark" on how to improve your writing skills!!!!! Today ALL students received a writing sample to "benchmark" for all future writing assessments in our World History class. Please use this "benchmark" to improve your approach to your writing in ALL of your academic classes. Remember: "I can teach it to you, but I can't UNDERSTAND IT FOR YOU." So, if you have further questions please visit our Elsinore High School Homework Club in room 226 Monday-Thursday 2:30-3:30 and get some help! Mr. Caballero will still be available during break, lunch or by appointment to help support your writing strategies as you prepare for College & Career. 
Homework: Students are to watch and take notes on the following video: https://youtu.be/C3S0EmzEnF0
This video will help understanding WHY we study the history of Rome and how our so much of our country (U.S.A.) has so much in common with Ancient Rome! Aloha!
Have fun! World History Rocks! 🤓



Greek Assessment Due Today: Good luck students! Just do your best and learn from your mistakes! You got this!



Homework: Read and take Outline Notes on "The World of the Romans" pages 14-16. This is due on Thursday, October 3, 2016. 



Students participated in a Writing Workshop to prepare for their written part of the exam tomorrow on the following prompt: "What are the Greek values and ideas that have influenced the development of Western society?"  
Students were afforded extensive class time to receiving tutoring, support and help in crafting their response to the writing prompt. If any student is still struggling in ANY of their classes with their writing they are encouraged to attend our "Homework Club" and receive free tutoring in room 226 from 2:30-3:30 Monday-Thursday. Mr. Caballero will also be available during break, lunch or by appointment in room 321 to support students. ***Remember: the skill of writing will make the difference in College & Career. Ask for help! 



All World History classes reviewed for the assessment on Ancient Greece that will take place in class on 10/2/2019. Students created a "study-guide" with the teacher in class. Extensive time was made available during class for student questions. Make sure to ask questions!!!!! I will help you. 
Students also engaged in a 3x5 Study Card Workshop where students learned out to use 3x5 Cards to support their preparation for exams. ALL Students are encouraged to create their own 3x5 study cards to better prepare for the exam(s). Look at this video to help
It is imperative for ALL students to create 3x5 study cards for ALL of their exams in high school, in college, and in their careers. It works if you work it! 
***Students and teacher reviewed in class, we created graphic organizers, reviewed PowerPoint presentations, developed guided readings, modeled the 3x5 Study Card technique, videos were made available for support etc...significant time was utilized for Q & A, and time was spent on reflecting on our teaching and learning. Students we directed to study and review every school day/night.
Mr. Caballero was available to support students before school, after school, and by appointment. *Free tutoring was also made available to students in room 226 "Homework Club" Monday-Thursday (2:30-3:30). Read the resource below to validate how to study effectively for exams. This is ANOTHER great resource for students to improve their approach to studying effectively. Studying effectively will not only help you pass your classes, it will literally help you succeed in College & Career. *If you still are struggling in ANY of your classes, Mr. Caballero can help. Just ask. 



Students' Graphic Organizer on the Greeks was returned. Students learned to "Benchmark" their efforts on this assignment on a student sample. This allows students to review their own approach to their learning and actually improve their learning strategies while studying the Greeks. 
Today we focused on how Greek values and ideas influenced the development of Western society as presented in our studies of Ancient Greece. Students learned to "Benchmark" how to complete these Graphic Organizers more effectively so students can write effectively in answering the writing prompt for their upcoming assessment on the Greeks. 
Homework: Students are to review their reading of Ch. 1 Lesson 2  The Civilization of the Greeks (page 10-14). 



Homework: Students are to complete the Ancient Greek Graphic Organizer handed out in class today. This activity will help students organize their thoughts about the Greek ideas concerning government, the differences between Athens and Sparta and "SPA" (Socrates, Plato and Aristotle). 
Please also re-view and re-read Chapter 1 Lesson 2 "The Greeks and the Romans" with a close reading of the Greeks. How have the Greeks influenced our Western Political ideas? What is going on today that reflects the Ancient Greeks? (Think: philosophy, democracy, art, drama, science, architecture, poetry, law, etc...)



******Students completed their third "Outline Note Workshop" on the Greeks. Students copied down sample outline notes and had opportunity to compare their own approaches to taking notes. The goal of the teaching was to help students develop a strong note-taking strategy that supports student learning in ALL of their academic subjects and to better prepare themselves for College & Career. 



For Period 3 Students ONLY: 
The "More About Me Survey" and "Syllabus" Assignments are due this Friday, September 20, 2019. 
Please see Mr. Caballero if you need any support or direction. 




Good afternoon World History Students! Goooooooo Socrates! ;-)
Homework: Students are to re-read Chapter 1 Lesson 2 "The Greeks and the Romans" and complete the Guided Reading handed out today during class. Please only complete the Review Questions on the Greeks. (Pages 10-14). (******5th period students did not get this handout. I will hand out tomorrow first thing in class).
NOTE: You do not have to complete the Roman section, but I'm not going to stop you. You also do not have to complete the Summary and Reflection Writing Prompt: "What Greek, Roman and Judeo-Christian values and ideas influenced the development of Western society?" BUT I AM NOT GOING TO STOP YOU. HINT: THIS WILL BE THE WRITING PROMPT FOR THE EXAM ON THE GREEKS AND ROMANS. So, if you want to get a head start.........GO FOR IT!



Good morning World History Students!!!! Aloha!
Today we will continue our "Note-Taking Workshop" from last night's homework. Students will continue copying down sample Outline Notes from Ch. 1 Lesson 2 "The Greeks & The Romans." We will also be sharing out and "benchmarking" to see how the most successful students are are taking notes in each of their classes (science, math, history etc...). The goal is to help EVERY STUDENT improve their learning strategies to be successful in World History and ALL THEIR CLASSES IN PREPARATION FOR COLLEGE AND CAREER
Let's make it a Great Day! Aloha! ;-)




Here are a list of videos that may be helpful for students in their study of Socrates (Chapter 1 Lesson 2) "The Greek Love of Wisdom":
https://youtu.be/CyIKayNXTPY This video is good for all students. It provides a general overview of Socrates, his teachings and his impact on Western civilization. This is worth the 4 minutes 15 seconds of your time. 
https://youtu.be/fLJBzhcSWTk This video is a good one for all students. It gives us a closer look at why Socrates did not think "democracy" was always "good." This video will make you think critically about our attitudes about "democracy." Definitely worth 4 minutes and 21 seconds of your time
https://youtu.be/uvY3VWe4O4k  This video is really good for the "advanced student" that enjoys going deeper into critical thinking and reflecting on the timelessness & wisdom of Socrates. All are invited, but some may find it a bit esoteric. But don't let this stop you form learning more deeply and thinking more critically. I say GO FOR IT!  ;-) Still worth the 10 minutes of your time



Homework: Re-Read the section on "The Greek Love of Wisdom" and create outline notes for "Socrates" ONLY! Pages 12-13. Bring these notes to class tomorrow, September 18, 2019. 
Please also use the following video to support your learning: https://youtu.be/pJQr77Vzwyk
We are in the process of teaching/learning about the Ancient Greeks. We are also imbedding a  "Note Taking Workshop" through our studies of the Greeks and Romans Chapter 1 Lesson 2. The goal is to help students learn or re-learn the basic foundation of all successful students---the skill of note taking. This "Note-Taking Workshop" is designed to help support students in ALL their classes and help them prepare for College & Career. 



Good Afternoon World History Students!!!! 
Homework: Read *"The Civilization of the Greeks" on pages 10--14 and create outline notes to help your understanding. Take your time. Relax and study. 
*Today we reviewed an 'Introduction to the Ancient Greeks'. Students took notes on a video to support their learning. Teacher and students also reviewed basic Outline Notes and Cornell Note Systems to help students learn more effectively in high school and prepare for College & Career. Remember, you can learn this skill, you can improve this skill and you can refine this skill as part of your life-long learning. If you have any questions, please see Mr. C and I will help. We also have Homework Club in Room 226 on Monday-Thursday from 2:30-3:30. Please take advantage of the free tutoring and support. 



Aloha World History Students!!!!
Homework: Please read Ch. 1 Lesson 2 "The Greeks & Romans" page 10-14.
*****Please also view this short video to support your introduction to our study of the Ancient Greeks: https://youtu.be/6bDrYTXQLu8
Note: All students should be reviewing for our World History Class each school night. This is your "homework" if no specific tasks are assigned.
How do you "review"? By Reading and Writing! Reading and writing are the basic skills to learn history. Reading and writing are also the skills necessary for College and Career!!!!  So get to it students! You got this! If you are struggling in school or just want more support for World History and other classes, please ask for help! FREE tutoring available at Elsinore High.  Attention all students! Have no fear, Homework Club is here! Everyone is invited to room 226 (Monday-Thursday) after school to get homework help from college tutors and teachers. 



Ancient Civilization Assessment!!!!
Make sure to study effectively!
A good place to study is @ Homework Club after school in room 226 (2:30pm to 3:30pm.)
Go for it! Meet new people! You're not alone! 
Aloha! 🌺



Good morning students! All World History classes have reviewed for the assessment that will take place in class on 9/11/2019. Students and teacher reviewed in class, we created graphic organizers, reviewed PowerPoint presentations, developed guided readings, videos were made available for support etc...significant time was utilized for Q & A, and time was spent on reflecting on our teaching and learning. Students we directed to study and review every school day/night. Mr. Caballero was available to support students before school, after school, and by appointment. *Free tutoring was also made available to students in room 226 "Homework Club" Monday-Thursday (2:30-3:30). Today, students are making 3x5 study cards in class from their Graphic Organizer-Study Guide. It is imperative for students to study effectively. Below is a great resource on "How to Study For Exams." Happy studying! You got this! Study in groups, do "call and response" and have fun. Studying actually can be fun. I'm serious. Just breathe and do your best! Just do your best!



Students received support on their learning about Mesopotamia, Israel, Egypt, India and China. Students are developing note-taking skills in class and are encouraged to use this skill in ALL of their Academic classes. Q & A provided and encouraged.
Students are to read & review Lesson 1 "The First Civilizations" in their textbook and Take Notes (pages 4-9).  
***If this homework is already complete, students are still encouraged expand their learning by using internet resources like YouTube, Crash Course World History, Khan Academy, Google Searches etc....to support their understanding of Chapter 1 Lesson 1. Aloha! 



Today students reviewed how 'hierarchy' and social stratification was expressed in Ancient Civilizations and how hierarchy is expressed in our modern context. 
Homework: Students are to re-read & re-view Lesson 1 "The First Civilizations" in their textbook and Take Notes (pages 4-9).  
  1.  Western Asia and Egypt
  2. Spiritual Dimensions of Israel
  3. Ancient India
  4. Ancient China
******Note: All students have "homework" assigned each school night. It is imperative that all high school students study for at least 2 hours per night. NOT 2 hours for each class. Two hours TOTAL is the minimum time recommended by educational experts. Even if a student says, "I have no homework," it is still their responsibility to review, study and prepare for each class each and every day. This his how students "stay on top of their studies." ***Please see Mr. Caballero if you need further support in how to study effectively. I will help!



Students are to read & review Lesson 1 "The First Civilizations" in their textbook and Take Notes (pages 4-9).  
  1.  Western Asia and Egypt
  2. Spiritual Dimensions of Israel
  3. Ancient India
  4. Ancient China



Homework: Students with low scores on their "Guided Readings" for Lesson 1: "The First Civilizations," are encouraged to go back, take your time, and correct the wrong answers.  Remember, the answers are in the textbook. (Remember, I will help students in review, power points, notes, activities, mini-lectures, videos etc....). Students can use this Guided Reading as a study guide for their Lesson 1 Assessment that will take place this Friday August 30, 2019. ***Students with perfect scores can review the answers, go on the internet for review and/or study in more depth about Ancient Civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus River Valley and China.)
***Note about Guided Readings: There is no reason for students to get the "wrong answers" on this assignment because the answers are literally in their text book. Think of it as an "open book test." There is no reason to "guess" on this assignment because the answers are literally in their textbooks. If you need further support on how to accomplish this basic assignment, please see Mr. Caballero ASAP and I will help you. 



In Class Assignment: Students reviewed “Agricultural Revolution” lesson/homework. Students reviewed with teacher useful internet resources to support student learning (YouTube, Crash Course World History, Khan Academy, Google Search Engine, History Channel etc...). Students are encouraged to use these internet resources to support their learning in ALL of their classes. Students are encouraged to study at least 2 Hours Per School Day/Night so they can “keep up” with ALL their classes. Students can review each school day/night and/or prepare for upcoming lessons. There is no reason to “wait” for any teacher. Today, students have access to more learning support systems and have access to more information than ANY king or emperor throughout World History. Now is the time to take advantage of these resources to learn more effectively and better prepare for College & Career! ***Please see Mr. Caballero if you need further support in taking advantage of 21st Century Technology. I will help. Aloha Friday! 🌺🌊🌴🌊🌞



Homework: Students are to watch & take notes on the the following video:
This video will help support students understanding of our study of "The First Civilizations" (pages 4-9). Students took notes in class and participated in Q & A, Critical Thinking, and class discussions to help support their learning. 



Homework for August 21, 2019: 
Students are to read & review Lesson 1 "The First Civilizations" in their textbook (pages 4-9).  
  1.  Western Asia and Egypt
  2. Spiritual Dimensions of Israel
  3. Ancient India
  4. Ancient China



In class work: 
* Students are to complete the "Assessing Background Knowledge" hand-out during class. Please follow the directions as presented in class. 
Classwork /Homework: * Students are to read Lesson 1: The First Civilizations (p. 4-9) and complete the guided reading handed out in class. This is due Wednesday, August 21, 2019. 



In class work:
* Students reviewed Sequencing and Using a Timeline. Students took notes and participated in critical thinking discussion on timelines, calendars and the idea of time and space as it relates to human history. 
* Student class note-taking activity: Students practiced taking notes using Mr. C's "My Story Power Point". Students practiced the skill of lecture notes, asking questions and writing down important information. Students took an informal oral quiz to evidence their learning. 
* Homework: Students are to begin reading Chapter 1 pages 1-9. Students should skim and scan to learn about the layout and resources within their textbook. *If any concept or subject you find is interesting, then please expand your learning by going on YouTube, Crash Course World History, Khan Academy, History Channel, or Google Search engine to expand or deepen your learning.  ***Do NOT overwhelm yourself if you 'don't get it.' We will review in class and I will help you. Just begin slowly and skim and scan the text for about 20-30 minutes and chill. Aloha! 



 All students are to print, sign and return their World History Syllabus. Please turn in the last page (page 3) with both parent and student signatures. Please remember to date. Thank you. 



"My Three Songs" Assignment: All students will create a three (3) song playlist that describes their past, present, and future. Have fun with this assignment and be as creative as you like. We will share out our playlist in our "icebreaker" activity this Friday. This will also help students begin thinking about studying World History and how it relates to the present and how it may impact our future. Aloha! 



In class assignment: "More About Me Survey". Students will answer classroom survey questions in complete sentences. Students who are absent will be provided the assignment to complete upon their return to class. Aloha!