Algebra Optional extra credit

Algebra 1 Extra Credit Project

Any of these creative options can be based on any topic or topics from our textbook.

 Maximum pts: 10 points added to the quiz category (or 10 points added to homework)

Due Friday May 31

You can turn in projects earlier but no late projects will be accepted for any reason.

Project must be original and cannot be plagiarized, and project must be school appropriate. If you have any concerns please talk to Mrs. Leibold. Project must be school appropriate.

*Algebra 1 game (*can be based off of an existing game): instructions, game board and pieces must all be included. (1-2people)

*Algebra story book: Illustrations and appropriate algebra related story line (1-2 people

*Algebra song (can be based off of an existing song with your own lyrics): Lyrics must be printed out, and must be performed in front of the class. (1-2 people)

*Algebra movie: creative piece or a review of concepts (1-4 people)

Another idea? Clear with Mrs. Leibold *Any projects done with a partner or more than 1 person must be cleared with Mrs. Leibold* ***All project items must be presented to the class, no late projects will be accepted for any reason since this is extra credit and optional***