Welcome to 2022_2023

Life is full of challenges.  Let's make this a great school year back!!
All of my classes will be in Canvas
  • Your username is your [email protected]
  • Password: your eight digit password, for example 04261982
Use the same username and PW info to login to Office 365, Clever, or Big Ideas textbook, Infinite Campus etc..
This year I will be teaching....
Alg1A is period  2, 4 and 6
Alg 2 is period  1,and 5
Once you launch Canvasyou will find my homepage which has a link to my Zoom Tutoring, Syllabus, Current Modules, Previous Modules, etc...
 Canvas is the most accurate grade.  Infinite Campus is usually a day or two behind in the  grade. Always let me know if you find any errors.
See you all soon.
Mrs. Whipp